
The Institute publishes a yearbook containing the most important contributions of the programme year. In addition to the yearbook, a series of publications is also presented, which is continued at irregular intervals.

All Publications

  • Abschied von der heilen Welt

    With the participation of Ayelet Gundar-Goshen, Christoph Heusgen, Ben Hodges, Mary Ellen Iskenderian, Solmaz Khorsand, Ahmad Mansour, Jens Spahn, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, Michael Wolffsohn, and Lea Ypi

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  • Sicherheitspolitik Schweiz. Strategie eines globalisierten Kleinstaats.

    With the participation of Georg Häsler, Constanze Stelzenmüller, and Kaspar Villiger, among others.

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  • Krisenmanagement Schweiz

    With the participation of Georg Häsler, Patrick Hofstetter, Bruno Staffelbach and Kaspar Villiger, among others.

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  • Blind Date mit der Zukunft

    With contributions by Peter Altmaier, Alena Buyx, Nina Khrushcheva, John Elkann, Markus Gabriel, Ivan Krastev, Herfried Münkler, Chris Patten, Michael J. Sandel, Serhiy Zhadan and Adam Tooze.

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  • Pandemie und Politik

    With contributions by Mervyn King, Gerhard Schwarz, Ilaria Capua, Christian Lindner, Niall Ferguson, Alain Berset, Anne Applebaum, Sahra Wagenknecht, Elif Shafak and Bertrand Piccard.

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  • Die Schweiz hat Zukunft

    On the positive power of singularity By Gerhard Schwarz

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  • Die Zukunft denken

    With contributions by Volker Perthes, Alexandre Fasel, Thomas Piketty, Susan Neiman, Cem Özdemir, Patricia Danzi, Clemens Fuest, Timothy Snyder and Karl Schlögel.

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  • Wendezeiten

    With contributions by Daniel Kehlmann, Sir Paul Collier, Lars Feld, Tobias Straumann, Bill Emmott, Jerome Powell, Robert Kagan, Karin Keller-Sutter, Ai Weiwei, Christoph Franz and Peter Maurer.

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  • Multipolare Welt

    With contributions by Ignazio Cassis, Andrzej Sebastian Duda, Yoshihiro Francis Fukuyama, Sigmar Gabriel, Christian Lindner, Andreas Rödder, Peter Sloterdijk, Michaela Wiegel.

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  • Zwischen Sicherheit und Risiko

    With contributions by Jonathan Franzen, Joachim Gauck, Eric Gujer, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Wolfgang Ischinger, Haruhiko Kuroda, Kishore Mahbubani, Harald Welzer and others

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  • Demografie und Zukunftsfähigkeit

    Political and economic challenges of an ageing society by Walter B. Kielholz

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  • Fokus Asien – Perspektiven und Herausforderungen

    With contributions by Carl Baudenbacher, Philipp Hildebrand, Gilles Kepel, Mervyn King, John Major, Kevin Rudd, Urs Schoettli, Gerhard Schröder, Alex A. Weber, Slavoj Sicek

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  • Europa – im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ost und West

    With contributions by Alain Berset, Heinz Bude, Gerd Gigerenzer, Josef Joffe, Aleksander Kwasniewski, Mark Lilla, Orhan Pamuk, Ulrich Schmid, Wolfgang Schüssel, Jens Weidmann

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  • Zukunft und Werte der Demokratie

    With contributions by Alain Berset, Christopher Clark, Mathias Döpfner, Taiye Selasi, Jonathan Steinberg, Peer Steinbrück, Kaspar Villiger, Jacques de Watteville, Sonja Zekri

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  • Demokratie und konzeptionelles Denken

    Politics in the field of tension between economic constraints, emotions and coincidences. by Kaspar Villiger

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  • Geopolitik im Umbruch

    With contributions by Rainer Hermann, Thomas J. Jordan, Claudia Kemfert, Jean-Pierre Lehmann, Hermann Lübbe, Herfried Münkler, Jeremy Rifkin, Eberhard Sandschneider

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  • Brennpunkte im Weltgeschehen

    With contributions by Wolfgang Clement, Niall Ferguson, Jacqueline Hénard, Harold James, Christine Lagarde, Wolf Lepenies, Urs Rohner, Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, Alice Schwarzer, Robert James Shiller

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  • Die Welt verstehen – Anniversary volume

    With contributions from 35 speakers from the history of the Swiss Institute for International Studies on the occasion of its 70th anniversary

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  • Zukunft Europas

    With contributions by Didier Burkhalter, Roman Herzog, Jean-Claude Juncker, Viktor Yushchenko, Necla Kelek, Andrei Plesu, Fritz Stern, Ulrich Tilgner, Kaspar Villiger, Axel A. Weber

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  • Strategien in Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft

    With contributions by Michael Ambühl, Ulrich Beck, Hans Blix, Timothy Garton Ash, Ueli Maurer, Volker Perthes, Ernst Pöppel, Karl Fürst zu Schwarzenberg, Heidi Tagliavini and Hans Tietmeyer

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  • Perspektiven auf eine Welt im Umbruch

    With contributions by Martin Meyer (ed.), Professor Bruce Hoffman, Ulrich Tilgner, Dr Jean-Pierre Roth, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Professor Robert Kagan, Professor Hans-Werner Sinn and Professor Gerhard Schulze

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  • Weltpolitik – auch im Zeichen Amerikas

    With contributions by Urs Schoettli, Dr Philipp M. Hildebrand, Professor Dan Diner, Professor Marcia Pally, Dr Martin Hüfner, Dr Andreas Rüesch, Professor Georg Kohler

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  • Sicherheit und Unsicherheit in einer Welt im Wandel

    With contributions by Dieter Ruloff, Samuel Schmid, Avi Shlaim, Lawrence Freedman, Walter B. Kielholz, Doris Leuthard, Elisio Macamo, Josef Ackermann

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  • China und Indien: Supermächte des 21. Jahrhunderts?

    With contributions by Dieter Ruloff, Wolfgang Schürer, Mark Qiu, Barbara Krug, Shalini Randeria, James J. Schiro, Jürgen Dormann, Micheline Calmy-Rey, Carl Christian von Weizsäcker and Kurt R. Spillmann

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  • Welche Weltordnung?

    With contributions by Dieter Ruloff, Otfried Höffe, Christoph Bertram, Bruno S. Frey, Urs W. Schoettli, Jakob Kellenberger and George P. Shultz

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  • Moral und Moralismus in Politik und Wirtschaft

    With contributions by Hansjörg Elshorst, Peter Glotz, Karl Homann, Otto Graf Lambsdorff, Ruth Metzler, Henning Schulte-Noelle and Lothar Späth

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  • Religion und Politik

    With contributions by Urs Altermatt, Leszek Kolakowski, Izhak Englard, Rudolf Stamm, Shirin Akiner, Hans Küng, Samuel Huntington

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  • Technologie und Gesellschaft an der Jahrtausendwende

    With contributions by Jürgen Mittelstrass, Lawrence David Freedman, Gert Lorenz, Martin Bangemann, Lord Dearing, Ulrich Seiffert, Horst Teltschik

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  • Den Staat neu definieren

    With contributions by Ulrich Bremi, Johann Eekhoff, Otmar Issing, Henner Kleinewefers, Wernhard Möschel, Wolfgang Streeck and symposium report by: Lukas Guyer, Christian Hirschi and Christian Moser

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  • Globalisierung – eine Standortbestimmung

    With contributions by Dieter Chenaux-Repond, Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt, Gerhard Fels, Peter Glotz, Helmut O. Maucher, Fritz Fahrni, Volker Bornschier, Kurt R. Spillmann, Dieter Ruloff, Jürg Martin Gabriel, Thomas Bernauer

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  • Föderalismus – Mittel der Konfliktbewältigung

    With contributions by René Felber, Dietrich Schindler, Martin Bangemann, Jean-francis Bergier, Hugo Bütler, Youri Afanasiyev

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  • Europäische Antagonismen

    With contributions by Michael Stürmer, Gerhard Schwarz, Hans-Adam II. of Liechtenstein, Franz Muheim, Karl von Schwarzenberg, Jorge Braga de Macedo, Erhard Busek, Volker Rittberger

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  • Die Erblast der Sowjetunion

    With contributions by Shlomo Avineri, Ulrich Schmid, Rudolph Chimelli, Franz Vranitzky, Walter Laqueur, Carsten Goehrke, Horst Bockelmann, Lothar Rühl

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  • Wandel der Weltgesellschaft

    With contributions by Martin Meyer, Norbert Walter, R.J. Zwi Werblowsky, Heinz Riesenhuber, Gertrud Höhler, Kaspar Villiger

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  • Brennpunkt Ostasien

    With contributions by Wolf Lepenies, Urs W. Schoettli, Michael Stürmer, Jean-Pierre Lehmann, Barbara Krug, Yasusada F.X. Yawata

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