Dr Robert Kagan explores the question of what role the USA will play in the coming years and whether the motto "America First" will remain valid.
Tuesday, 01. October 2019, 18:30 – 20:00 h
At the University of Zurich, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich, KOL-G-201 (Aula)
Under Donald Trump’s presidency, the last superpower standing has become more unreckonable. At the same time, a glance at world politics shows that the polarisation between the key players is becoming more unclear and generally more dangerous. The question arises, then, of what role the USA will play in the years to come, and whether the motto ‘America First’ will hold true.
Robert Kagan, born in 1958, is an author, speaker and political advisor, including for the American government. The political philosopher is considered a specialist in international politics, particularly security policy, terrorism, the Balkans, the Russian-American relationship, and NATO expansion. In 2016 he turned his back on the Republicans, and in his most recent book, ‘The Jungle Grows Back: America and Our Imperiled World’ (2018), he analyses the crisis facing the liberal world.